A writer of bleakly noirish tales with a bit of grim humour, Graham Wynd can be found in Dundee but would prefer you didn’t come looking. An English professor by day, Wynd grinds out darkly noir prose between trips to the local pub.
(Graham is camera shy, so this street is filling in for him – Ed)
The quick Q&A
Tell us one thing you loved or found fascinating about a place you have lived.
I love Galway Bay. There’s few better places for idling. You can look out at the clouds blowing in off the Atlantic and feel as if you’re on the edge of the world. Weird things wash up on the rocks: empty beer bottles, dead sea birds, the occasional pair of trousers.
What did you want to be when you grew up (other than a writer if that was an option)?
A spy.
Which super hero would you most like to be and why?
I can’t say I ever had much interest in superheroes, but if I had to choose, I’d choose one that didn’t really have any superpowers except motivation and dedicated work. So I guess that means Batman, but I hate rich people generally, so I don’t know if that would work.
It’s finally happened! The zompoc is here! Name four things in your ‘go bag’ and your primary weapon.
I’d want a Beretta, but if the apocalypse is here I suppose ammunition would be limited, so I’ll go with rope, an axe, a flask and a sustainable torch (one of those that you can shake to relight). And I’d need a book. Maybe Moby Dick, something long that rewards re-reading. Wilkie Collins The Moonstone maybe.
What is your go to comfort book or writer when you can’t settle into anything new?
Dashiell Hammett: I love the way he writes and he can be gritty or slick and make them both work.
What is the single most important thing to your writing process?
A good single malt just out of reach.
If you could collaborate with any author who would it be and what would you write together?
Dorothy Parker: we’d write witty, sad, gritty noir tales of a New York that’s long gone.
Graham Wynd is available for interviews and blog posts. Please contact adele@(nospam)foxspirit.co.uk.
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