Running Order for Tales of the Mouse and Minotaur

This one has been in the offing for so long and has encountered so many hiccups, there were starting to be rumours about a curse. However we are finally getting close and I am pleased to finally announce that we have a provisional running order and that the book will have internal art by Kieran Walsh.

My apologies to everyone involved in this book for the delay once again, but we made it!


The Mouse and the Minotaur by Chloe Yates
Katabasis by K.T. Davies
Provoking Cerberus by James Bennett
Nada’s Promise by Nerine Dorman
Of Comedies and Tragedies by Jay Faulkner
Gilrain & The Minotaur by Sarah Cawkwell
Proof of Concept by Pat Kelleher
Such a Little Things by C C D Leijenaar
Medusa Rising by Joan De La Haye
Virtutis Gloria Merces by Andrew Reid
The Wisdom of King Weejun by Benjamin Stewart
The Labour of Stropheus by Catherine Hill
Mischief by Jan Siegel
The Bird-Woman of the Mediterranean by T.J. Everley