During March we will be accepting short story submissions for an anthology.
‘The Jackal who came in from the cold’
The anthology has a spy story theme, and we will consider stories written in most genres as long as they contain a spy story. They do not need to include a Jackal.
The stories in this anthology should be Furry. This means we are looking for anthropomorphised animal characters, people with extremely animalistic characteristics and the range in between. We have had plenty of stories that would classify as Furry in our anthologies in the past, but this is the first time we will be only accepting such tales, or tails. Anything from the secret life of animals, to a fox at Starbucks.
We will be using a sensitivity reader as part of our final decision process.
We would encourage furry writers to submit.
We are delighted to have @tylociraptor working on the cover for us and he ok’d me sharing this preview.
Payment will be £15 plus a print copy of the final book. All our usual submission information applies.
As always we are only seeking English language, print and ebook rights and exclusivity is 12 months from the submission deadline.
The details of this call will be put on our Submissions page during February along with details of how to submit, so you won’t have to keep looking for this post, it’s just early warning.