The Pseudopod Tapes Vol 1 by Alasdair Stuart
Coming on the 21st December we have our final release of our first year and it’s a little different.
The Pseudopod Tapes is our first Non Fiction release and we think it’s the perfect way to end an exciting 2012.
‘Not the end of the world, just the end of the year’
Alasdair Stuart, one of the UK’s most knowledgeable and passionate genre journalists has finally decided to do a book. And not just any book, he’s not just offering up his in depth genre gems for your delectation, it’s better than that.
In the Pseudopod Tapes, Alasdair gathers a years worth of outro’s from one of the worlds leading horror podcasts and collects them all together for you in this volume. Stuart hosts Pseudopod with a sharp wit, clear insight, tremendous honesty and warm humour. It translates extremely well to the page.
‘Alasdair Stuart, host of the must listen Pesudopod just became a must read!’ -Steven Savile
Cover art by S.L.Johnson
Introduction by the Mighty Mur Lafferty
You can read more from Al at his blog and of course you can listen to him on Pseudopod along with a host of talented readers & writers bringing you horror and strangeness.
We will be making a sample available on the book’s page at the time of release.