There is loads of FREE content for you to enjoy on our website.
At the moment the front page has a sampler of the opening pages of each of our summer releases.
You can buy Fearless Genre Warriors for £0.00 in our ebook store and get a substantial collection of short stories from our first few years of publishing.
We have music! Yes actual properly recorded songs, how many publishers give you that?
Lots of short stories are published on our free fiction page for you to download and enjoy and there are more in the skulk members area if you ‘join the skulk‘ below. The members area also gives you discounts in the eshop and other goodies.
There is even a bit of video up all for your enjoyment and all it costs is a few moments of your time.
After all that, there is of course the blog, full of great content from guest posts and Hugo nominee Alasdair Stuart’s ‘Not the Fox News’.
Indulge. Download the stories to take away and read at leisure. Tell your friends and send them over if they are looking for something new to read. The House of Fox has you covered.