Wicked Women and other titles

I’m delighted to announce that something which has been bubbling in the background for a while is now opening to submissions.

Wicked Women

Edited by Jan Edwards and Jenny Barber

‘Regular readers of Fox Spirit books know that women are pretty bad-ass – be they evil queens, goddesses, super-villains or anti-heroes, warriors, monsters, bad girls, rebels, mavericks or quietly defiant – so with that in mind, we’re looking for stories of women who gleefully write their own rules.  Women who’ll bend or break the social norms, skate along the edge of the law and generally aim to misbehave.’

Details posted on the Submissions page but please note that submissions go directly to wickedATmajorarcana.demon.co.uk  in this instance not the usual address. books (800x600)


‘Drag Noir’ has now closed for submissions and I am looking forward to seeing what K.A.Laity produces from the third in the Noir series of books. Once again we have artist S.L.Johnson working on the cover.

After the reception to Tales of Eve Mhairi Simpson is back on board editing an invitation only follow up ‘Daughters of Eve’ loosely inspired by women of HEMA (historical european martial arts) and the release of The Lost Giganti.


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