StarFang Chapter 9

Chapter Nine

A black wolf bounded towards me, running low, tail held high. I looked at my own body. I was weak, human-limbed, human-bodies. Pale of skin, weak, not-wolf.

I was standing in the no-place of the afterlife. Darkness, pierced by the occasional cold stare of stars.

“Aunt Gertrude?” I whispered as the black wolf moved closer, its amber eyes glistening brighter than suns.

Far from home, my grand-niece, the black wolf said.

“I am in a lot of trouble,” I replied. “Where am I?”

Afterlife, dream place, I don’t know, child. Whatever it is, I wish you the best of luck and strength. You need it. You have enemies who hound you, hate you.

My knees chose to become jelly then. I sank down, shivering. I was face to face with the wolf. I could see tears in her eyes. I wrapped my arms around the wolf, drawing strength and comfort. Her fur was warm, as if she had rested in the sun; I could smell the sun and a hint of herbs. And home, the forest, family. Everything I was far from.

“Please help me, Aunt Gertrude.”

I have strayed too far. I want to help you… but, my child, this is your trouble. You have the strength to deal with it. Best Yeung Leung. Best him.

“Yes, I will best him.”

The black wolf began to fade away, becoming lighter and lighter until the shape became transparent. The darkness around me grew stronger, shrouding me tighter. I began struggling.

“Aunt Gertrude!”

Best Yeung Leung.

Continue reading “StarFang Chapter 9”

Things I learned from Cult TV by Fiona Hutchings

Life Lessons in 50 Minutes

Cult TV shows become cult because they provide the viewer with something to relate to.  It might be a character or story resonates with the audience straight away or makes us laugh.  Equally it might provoke confusion and even distress but being aware that we are reacting is why we watch some things over and over, quote them to our friends and ‘like’ them on Facebook.

ST:TNG and DS9 both taught me that no one is every wholly good or bad and that sometimes painful decisions are necessary.  Troi sending La Forge to his certain death in order to pass her command exam has always stuck in my mind.  While Roddenberry’s optimistic view of humanity was a welcome relief from the many apocalyptic/post apocalyptic visions of the future, it didn’t shy away from showing some situations can not be resolved neatly and painlessly.  While Kirk revelled in being the boss, TNG explored the weight of responsibility that comes with power.


This was also a recurring theme in The West Wing.  In the season 2 finale ‘Two Cathedrals’ the President stops being the commander in chief and instead becomes accessible.  He stands alone in the great and holy space and vents his sheer fury with the God he believes in.  His anger and confusion and disgust as he rails against a force unseen and unheard resonated with me so powerfully the scene left me sobbing.  I thought I was the only person who struggled with reconciling the idea of a supposedly loving God  with the pain and hate and downright unfairness I see in life everyday.

Doctor Who taught me that love can run very deep without being romantic or parental and that no man is an island, even a mad man in a box.  The Doctor in all his regenerations has been very clever but despite having two hearts he has relied on the human sensitivities of many of his companions to come to important decisions.  In return his companions and his audience have been presented with ethical dilemmas with no obvious answer and resolutions that must be reached with the minimum of violence, at least on The Doctor’s part.

Firefly demonstrated that morality is a social construct not an absolute.  If Inara Serra was being portrayed in a TV show set in the present, her job as a companion would not be lauded or as glamorous as it seems aboard Serenity.   She would be damaged in some way, there would be drugs and violence around her which would wreak havoc inside and out.  She would be judged and discarded and be presented as an invisible part of a society that would like to pretend she didn’t exist.


In Whedon’s world Inara is perfectly happy with her chosen profession and it grants her a higher social standing than Captain Tightpants and his ragtag crew of soldiers, preachers, medics, mercenaries and, well, River.  Inara is one of the few female characters who is shown as at peace with her sexual appetites and partners.  That some clients are female provoke no anxiety about her sexuality, she is truly comfortable in her own skin.  Plus although there is a strong romantic undercurrent between her and Mal, neither sees those unspoken feelings as meaning they can’t have sex with other people.  In making sex such a fundamental part of Inara, it actually freed her from the usual stereotypes and expectations so many female characters become buried under.

Sometimes 50 minutes considering what constitutes a violation of the prime directive or a UN peace treaty, crying with a President because grief and loss leave scars that never quite heals or getting lost in a space western is the best therapy there is.

Leicester Comic Con

We were at the first Leicester Comic Con on Saturday and it was a huge success. Traders took over the ground floor of the newly refurbed Silver Arcade while Alasdair Stuart hosted guest speakers on the top floor.

The team of Yellow Shirts (some of which were  incognito) did an amazing job of taking care of attendees and traders, from helping to unload first thing to ensuring water was available, doing mercy runs for coffee and food and generally making sure they were visible and available. I had the great pleasure of being in charge of recruiting and running the vols and I am very proud of them all. Really once things got going I was practically superfluous.

I had FS author and editor Kate Laity and kidnapped young person (who belongs to a friend) Charlie to assist me on the FS Stall, which looked fantastic with the gorgeous books and some extra treats in the form of prints and t shirts by FS illustrator Kieran Walsh.



We sold Extricate to Catwoman which seemed fitting, hung out with a Storm Trooper, hugged lots of people we know, including passing FS writers Peter Allison, Ren Warom (with spawn), Alasdair Stuart and Hardeep Sangha and chatted to lots of new and lovely people. We sold plenty of books and other things, all the cake got eaten and the atmosphere was wonderful. Couldn’t have asked for a better day.


Well done Nathan Leverton, Gen and team yellow shirt.


Out in the world


Aunty Fox is going to be out and about a bit in the coming months.

First up this Saturday I will be resplendent in a yellow t shirt for Leicester Comic Con at Silver arcade.

There will be a Fox Spirit table which I have helpers for in case I have to run off and deal with volunteer things. Kate Laity will be in attendance and a few other skulk members will be dropping by and signing stuff so if you are in the area come and say hi and check out the first Leicester Comic Con in all its awesome.

In July I am at Harrogate, technically this is a holiday, I don’t work it, but I am always happy to see people so if you spot me come and say hello.

Next up is NineWorlds Geek Fest in August where I will be easily found behind the Indie books table. Small press and self pub folks can get more information about having their books on the table from

We will only be displaying small numbers of books from each seller at any given time but are there for three days so stash extra stock in your room and come and replenish the table later. 10% of all sales will go to NineWorlds charity partner. Come by and see your Aunty Fox and peruse the small press offerings.

Finally I will be attending FantasyCon, I am on no panels this year and have not booked a table or a launch, I will be in the bar having a lovely time. come and hang out with the skulk.

There will no doubt be other small events and things I go to at short notice and I know lots of FS writers and artists are out and about at other things this year. Check out the events page for the ones I know about.



StarFang Chapter 8

Chapter Eight

Accord Station was like any other dock I had visited: grey, functional and sterile. It had its pleasure and entertainment section of course, but the station’s circumference was dedicated to ship gantries and grapplers, numbered slots for the various ships that came to dock, refuel and re-stock. It hung-spun in space, beside the asteroid belt ringing the water planet Lucidia, a neutral dock, silent and majestic when seen on approach.  In the center of the circumference were Station control,  entertainment joints and the habitat section for the station workers and guests.

Station control didn’t bat an eyelid when five warships appeared at the borders, four escorting an enemy vessel. Calm instructions were given to us, our docking slots provided for our convenience. I was mentally calculating the bill for this re-stock and re-fuel, with half a mind to make the Amber Eyes pay half of it.

News would already be circulating on the station: four Black Talons ships escorting an Amber Eyes cruiser, do not get involved, do not get involved, stay down.

“Any other ships docked?” I drank in the sight of Accord, glad somewhat for a short breather.

“One shishini ship,” Mariette reported. “R’rrakak. Merchant ship dealing in ores.”

“Go on,” I flexed my hands, clenching them into fists.

“Two other merchant ships. Didn’t say where they are from. Merchants. Verity and The Joke.”


“Mixed. Station control claims that they are neutral. Clan-less.”

“I see.” Starfang was on automatic dock now, the machines and sensors taking over the procedure. “I will be at my headroom.”


Continue reading “StarFang Chapter 8”

What I Learned from Cult TV by Tony Lane

What The A-Team Taught Me
When I first watched the A-Team I remember thinking that for a unit of soldiers they were all really bad shots. Watching ten years later I had a better understanding of what suppressive fire was. In basic terms it means to proving covering fire to aid the movement of troops. The added bonus being that it is significantly harder to stand up and shoot straight with incoming fire whizzing above your noggin. Last year I watched some episodes again and realized that the firing of weapons by The A-Team was usually a distraction as well as covering fire. It made me think of that old adage about true strength being in not using your strength. I’m pretty sure that any member of the team could have wasted every single criminal in their path whilst they were sleeping if they wanted to. That for me was always one of the central parts of the story. They were accused of theft and murder but when they acted as mercenaries for hire they asked for little or no financial recompense or glory. Must importantly though they did not kill the criminals and took great pains to avoid seriously injuring them.
ateam w

It was a violent show. People got hurt, but NOBODY got killed unless it was important to the plot. Think back to all those car crashes. There was always a shot of somebody crawling out of the car. When somebody was shot they were only winged by a through-and-through. Everybody pulped by B.A Baracus either got up or was shown later in cuffs.
Cabbage cannons! How freaking cool! OK, I’ll calm down now. There was something fundamentally appealing about the way The A-Team were able to turn a pile of old junk in to a tank with a bizarre but effective weapon. I may have strapped the odd water pistol and stick to my bike after watching an episode. I still would if I was allowed.
I can’t really talk about The A-Team without mentioning Hannibal. The leader and perennial smartest man in the building always gave off the impression that he was intellectually bored and seeking a challenge. I loved the way he took great delight in using disguises and other methods of subterfuge to undermine the bad guys. It was like he was playing chess several games ahead. It showed that you didn’t have to be as physically imposing as B.A. Baracus or mad like Murdock to be effective at taking nasty people down a peg or two.
a team
More than anything the thing I got most out of this show was a pretext to play soldiers in the woods  with other kids. We didn’t need to know each other as we could just play a role from The A-Team.

European Monsters Contents!

The editors Jo Thomas and Margret Helgadottir have released the table of contents for the upcoming European Monsters coffee table book.

Photo by Margret in Oslo
Photo by Margret in Oslo


Jonathan Grimwood: “Herne”
Anne Michaud: “Vijka”
James Bennett: “Broken Bridges
Byron Black: “Upon The Wash of The Fjord”
Hannah Kate: “Nimby”
Adrian Tchaikovsky & Eugene Smith (artist): “Serpent Dawn”
Joan De La Haye: “Black Shuck”
Aliya Whiteley: “A Very Modern Monster”
Nerine Dorman: “Fly, My Dear, Fly”
Aliette le Bodard: “Mélanie”
Krista Walsh: “Moments”
Chris Galvin: “Hafgufa Rising”
Peter Damien: “Old Bones”
Icy Sedgwick: “The Cursed One”
Jasper Bark & Soussherpa (artist): “Mother Knows Worst”
Plus an awesome group of artists/ illustrators: Daniele Serra, Eugene Smith, Gavin Pollock and Kieran Walsh
We are very excited about this unusual project at the fox den.

What I Learned from Cult TV by Kate Jones

What I Learned from Cult TV: Behind Every World Saving Hero Is A Geek Support Character

It has been said that cool is fleeting and the geek shall inherit the earth. I took a lot of comfort from that as a child. I grew up with the fictional company of plenty of geeks, who might not have saved the world, but they are standing rock solid behind the people whose job it is to save it. Cult TV taught me that no hero, let alone superhero, is anything to be reckoned with if they don’t have their tech wonder, programmer, computer whizz, inventor or scientist backing them up to the hilt.

It’s a time honoured tradition, one which dates back through some of the most classic geek series. Steeped in knowledge, willing to research, but absolutely prepared to get their hands dirty if the need should arise and their hero needs some more practical support, every hero needs their Geek Support character to help them save the day. The Geek Support is always steeped in knowledge, usually on the nerdy side. Medical science was certainly Dr Watson’s forte, while Q has the resources of MI6 at his disposal to come up with as many inventions, gadgets and gizmos as the 00 agents require in order to get the job done.

Watson and Q are both unusual in their early Geek Support roles however, in that they manage to get out from their labs and into the field to provide active support for their heroes. Watson not only supports Holmes during his investigations, but is armed and dangerous when it comes to protecting and defending his friend. Q, meanwhile, goes so far as to leave the confines of MI6 and meet up with Bond when he has gone rogue to avenge the attack on his friend Felix Lighter in ‘License to Kill’.

Traditionally, the general role of the Geek Support leaves such characters stranded within the safe confines of headquarters rather than allowing them out in the field. During the 1960s series Thunderbirds for example, the aptly-named Brains is the driving force creatively behind the Anderson Family’s International Rescue project, but it’s the sons of the family who actually pilot the thunderbirds and save the day. Even Lady Penelope gets to see more actions than the scientist responsible for the organisation’s potential.


Fast forward to series from the late 20th and early 21st century and we find that has changed in that regard, especially when it comes to TV series about espionage. No secret agent is complete without their technical support department, usually staffed by a grade A nerd who is rolls high on the intellect and low on the social skills. They’re indispensible even though they sometimes happen to be working for the enemy. Marshall fills the Q shaped role for Sidney Bristow in Alias while she works for SD6, and over in ‘Nikita’, Birkhoff provides a similar line of support for the Division agents such as Alex. However, episodes where they enter into the field are few and far between, and their presence is often defined by the overly technical explanation of the new gadget our heroes get to test out this week.

Geeks working for Government organisations do fare a little better in terms of being part of the action, although their role is often to restrain it and minimise it rather than encourage and propagate it. While the likes of General Hammond from Stargate SG1 and the X-Files’ Walter Skinner may be hyperaware of the value of Geek Support, this is because they prevent the more gung ho and obsessive heroes from cutting a swathe through the universe leaving a trail of destruction and chaos in their wake. While Jack O’Neil might be the original action hero who’s all about blowing it up with C4, Stargate Command had enough nous to add Samantha Carter (astro-physicist) and Daniel Jackson (archaeologist and historian) to his team to slow him down a little. And lest we forget, over at the FBI, the directors originally assigned Scully to Mulder’s department to try and debunk his work with her scientific research and medical knowledge. Sam, Daniel and Scully may end up part of the crusade and subsequently the action, but it certainly wasn’t what their characters were primarily intended for.


In space the need for Geek Support characters remains vital, although they may not make it onto the landing party very often. Captain Kirk would have been in a lot more trouble without his Chief Engineer, miracle worker Scotty, ready and willing to amp up the warp drive and beam him out of sticky situations, but Scotty is usually left behind in engineering to keep things ticking over rather than exploring the brave new worlds that the Enterprise is seeking out.

It’s not all hopeless though. Geeks are beginning to move out of the lab and into the field without losing any of their niche. It’s notable that the newer version of Scotty saves the day by getting off the ship and running around in enemy territory in Into Darkness as well as by providing an impressive multi-beaming rescue from the safety of the transporter room console during the inaugural film of the reboot series.  Geeks are beginning to multitask, it would seem. Simon Pegg has already played one character who receives this type of ‘promotion’ in the form of Benji Dunn, who provided technician support in Mission Impossible III and was promoted to the status of Field Agent by the time of Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

Geeks might often be cast in a role slightly stepped back from the front line, but that doesn’t mean that the Geek Support aren’t willing to face risk and danger in order to support the heroes. In Pacific Rim, Marshal Pentecost might have the plan and Gypsy Danger certainly had the moves, but it was Gottlieb and Geiszler, the bickering scientists, who risked brain death for their theories and worked out that the original plan would fail, putting aside huge personal differences to work together and find out the information. When the chips are down, the Geek Support characters prove that they’ve got what it takes and step up to save the day. When the crew of Morpheus’ Nebuchadnezzar were attacked and betrayed by Cypher, it was Operator Tank who stepped up while injured to save the day and get our heroes safely home.

More and more tech support roles are being given to female characters as new cult TV series emerge. Veronica Mars might be the super-sleuth of Neptune High and perfectly tech literate in her own right, when she needs support, she turns to Mac, the resident computer genius. Oliver Queen makes frequent visits to Felicity Smoak at Queen Consolidated, to ask for her help with various projects for his work as the Green Arrow. Meanwhile, hunters Sam and Dean, having learned the value of Geek Support in the form of Ash in the early series of Supernatural, know that they can turn to Charlie for tech based help in later episodes.


One Geek Support character who has actively turned away from the field based hero role appears in the recent Bond film, Skyfall. Bond is assisted by a unnamed black female agent, who can drive, shoot, wisecrack and hold her own just as effectively as he can. Eventually though, she chooses to step back from agent status and work in an administration based role. It’s refreshing to see this presented as a choice for a liberated young woman rather than something which is forced upon her, although she did shoot Bond in her first assignment which may have influenced her decision and may undermine her abilities in the eyes of the more traditional fans. At least now we know, however, that Miss Moneypenny for the 21st century is just as capable of kicking some bad guy ass as the agents who wait outside M’s door for her permission to go in.

Even for the more active female Geek Support characters, it is notable that they end up leaving their sanctuary of tech and research out of necessity rather than desire. Even Evie Carnahan, who went on to play an important role in the events of The Mummy and continued her work in the field alongside her husband Rick O’Connell, was influenced primarily by the rejection of her application to work with the Bembridge scholars. It was this which drove her toward field work, as this was the area where her application was judged to be most lacking. Had Evie been allowed to join them without gathering this experience, she may have stayed within her libraries for the rest of time. Lucky for the fans of the movie series that she didn’t, however.

Librarians and library lovers play important roles in supporting the heroes of our stories, and increasingly have become more active as their series have progressed. Ron Weasley may mock his bookish friend Hermione for her interest in books (‘it’s what Hermione does. When in doubt, go to the library!’), but it is her books and her logical thinking which guide Harry through his quest to locate and destroy Voldermort’s horcruxes. Meanwhile, feminist icon Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s efforts toward saving the world would not have been anywhere near so successful without being supported by her friend Willow’s hacking skills and the resources of the Mr Giles’ school library, where everyone’s willing to get down with the research to identify this week’s Big Bad. While Giles, Willow and Xander do become more active in the slaying part of the series later on, it is their research skills and work behind the scenes which are most useful to Buffy, especially in the early series. There is a reason why every female slayer has an older and more learned watcher with experience and knowledge at his disposal to guide her efforts, although Buffy as a series is notable for reversing the gender norm within that dichotomy.


The Geek Support cast members even act as consciences to the heroes who go too far or know that they risk becoming lost to their cause. Take for example Lucius Fox, who starts out during Batman Begins stuck in Applied Sciences at Wayne Enterprises but is later promoted by Bruce to CEO, showing just how much his character and judgement are valued by Bruce. Indeed, when Batman uses Fox’s technology to spy on Gotham, the only person he trust to ensure its destruction is the man who made it.

Geeks are slowly pulling together their credentials as being more than just the brains behind the brawn. It’s been a great evolution over time from being the unacknowledged purveyors of support to becoming active and capable characters out in the field of the action. We’re entering the final stage of this evolution now, though the Marvel film franchise, which has finally given us a Geek who is fully in charge of his own show. Who does the research, reads the homework, invents the gadgets and comes up with the techie solutions. Who also wears the tux, fights the good fight, all while blessed with the money, the social status, the looks and the love interest and the full acceptance of the public who know exactly who he is. He is Iron Man. Mr Tony Stark – take a bow, as you usher in the new era of the Geek Superhero and show that after long years of patient waiting for their time in the spotlight, the geeks truly shall inherit the earth.

Fox Spirit Is TWO!

Happy birthday to us!

To celebrate we are doing lots of giveaways, some through the newsletter, also on our facebook page, twitter and here on the site. We are giving away 50 copies of  Piracy on a first come first served basis over on our downloads page in the members area. No code, just hit download for a copy of the epub.

Todd & Reynard celebrate their birthday with cake.

All the free birthday downloads will end at the end of June 2014 so get ’em while they are hot.

I can’t believe we are two! 24 months and 20 books, with so much more to come in the next year or so.