Fox Central: The one for voyeurs

For those of you with voyeuristic tendencies, i’ve just finished moving the office upstairs and getting it straight. I still have pictures to frame and hang and obviously most of the bookshelves are in the rest of the house. Still here it is, the heart of the Den.


Books, my teenage mutant turtle toy bin and a Victorian china cabinet full of action figures and such. Oh and a cat bed.

foxden4Moving round to the right, umm, a scratching post, more bookshelves and my world map (being populated with tiny black foxes).



My Bureau. This belonged to my grandfather and in it you can almost see his gorgeous portable typewriter all tucked away.

foxden2My computer desk which the printer will go on and the top of my ‘office’ chair, which is actually an old rocking chair. So that’s it. How publishing empires are built. 😉