Fox Pockets!

Fox Pockets is a series of small books (4.25″x6.87″) containing around a dozen flash length short stories in perfect pocket sized editions.

Fox Pockets will provide a quick, inexpensive introduction to the kind of authors we work with and the type of stories we love. The books will contain a mix of horror, sci fi, fantasy and crime and their many sub genres and will be organised around loose themes. Fox Pockets will be collected flashes of inspiration, rather than full short story anthologies.

Cover art will be by the talented and fabulous Sarah Anne Langton who is working to create an image for the collection as well as giving each book its own identity.

There will be ten Fox Pockets in total over 2013 and 2014, released every two to three months.

To celebrate the release of the fist Fox Pocket in April two pocket foxes have been commissioned from the very talented Emily (@foresthouse)

The subjects will be (in no fixed order):


Missing Monarchs



Under the Waves

In an Unknown Country

Things in the Dark

The Evil Genius Guide


Piercing the Veil

Due to the small size the books will be available as paperbacks from Lulu and will also be made available in e formats.

Full submission details on the FS Submissions page.