Fox Spirit Call for Submissions!
Get your apron on and fire up the Kenwood (or if you are anything like us, the fork and hand whisk); we are doing a cookbook.
It’s like this: there are so many cookbooks out there now that have pleasant vignettes to accompany the recipes – we think we can go one better. Instead of a reflection about how your grandma taught you to bake sugar cookies, we want stories – perhaps a baker had to bake sugar cookies to feed fierce, sugar-addicted dragons and save their village (or something).
We want you to submit a recipe with a short story, a poem, or a piece of artwork that links in some way to the recipe.
Collaborations are entirely welcome so if you are more inclined to the cooking or the story writing then grab a friend and get involved.
We will be making some of the recipes (or getting someone more artistic to) so the book will include some photos of the goodies.
What we want:
A recipe for a dessert. It can be sweet or savoury, take the form of a pudding, cookies, cake, petit fours – whatever you like. It doesn’t need to be a completely original recipe, but it should be something you have made and would love to share. Perhaps it’s something classic, but with your own personal twist added?
Accompanying it, a story, flash, poem, or artwork. These should be no more than 3,000 words and can be as short as 500. They can be sci-fi, fantasy, crime, or horror, but should link in some way to the recipe submitted. We will accept stories that have been published before as long as they are relevant and you have the rights to re use them.
You can submit up to three recipes. If your recipe is substantially based on an existing one please let us have the credit detail for the original
What you will get:
In return for your contribution you will receive a copy of the book, if you collaborate you both will.
All royalties will be going to Cancer Research UK.
Send your submissions to adele @ titled ‘cookbook submission‘.
‘Fantastic Treats’ will be edited by Andrew Reid.