You may have noticed we have been doing some work on the website. Well we are mostly done now and all the big changes are complete.
If you link to any of our books or authors you may find the links have changed so please do check.
Additionally with all the changes it’s possible we broke something and missed it, so if you find a broken link please let me know.
But what’s new?
Well, under ‘About Fox Spirit’ you will find ‘publication dates’ and ‘forthcoming titles’. The first is dates we released titles, for quick and easy checking, forthcoming titles is, as you would expect, the books we have committed to, getting added as things get firmed up, and the year we intend to release them.
You may also have noticed we have made it easier for you to keep up with what’s going on over here at the blog by included recent posts on the front page.
Authors are now found under the main page, with anthology breakdowns on the sub page ‘anthology authors’. You will also find the long list, our list of regulars ‘Often Found Skulking’ and the gallery on the main Author pages.
We have given up trying to define books by genre, it’s never been a perfect solution for us, so they are now defined by being novels or collections etc, or part of a special line. Click the main books page to see everything, presented easily by cover and with filters.
The book pages are all getting a button that takes you direct to the purchasing information on the ‘Buy Links’ page, which has also been made easier to use.
We will continue to update and tinker with individual pages, but please have a look around. We may have shifted the furniture around but the coffee, cake and hospitality are the same as ever.
Aunty Fox.