
Just a reminder that our pirate flash fiction contest ends on the 19th September.

To celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day send us up to 1,000 words on pirates or piracy in any form to adele @foxspirit.co.uk titled ‘Pirate Flash’

The best three will be posted on the website, receive a lts edition hard copy of Tales of the Nun & Dragon and be invited to submit for one of next years Bushy Tails anthologies.

Any genre you like for pirates.

Tales of the Nun & Dragon available now!

It’s launch day and a few sharp eyed folk noticed it went on sale on Amazon yesterday. Well the book is now officially out there and here are some buy links

Nun & Dragon from Wizards Tower , Amazon UK , Amazon Com ,

An important note, Wizards Tower stock all FS books as mobi and epub, so if you have an ereader that isn’t kindle you can still obtain the books.

Our previous releases are also not only available from Amazon but for those of you who prefer to buy indie, Wizards Tower have psychological horror Shadows, unusual zombie novella Oasis, and the thriller Requiem in E Sharp, all by Joan De La Haye.

Don’t forget our Pirate flash fiction to win a ltd ed paperback copy of Nun & Dragon and the chance to submit to the future ‘Bushy Tales’ collections is open until September 19th 2012. Up to 1,000 on pirates and piracy to ‘adele @foxspirit dot co.uk’ titled ‘Pirate Flash’.

To keep up to date with Fox Spirit sign up for our quarterly newsletter.

Paperback Cover

This is the clean version of the paperback cover. Click it to see it in all it’s glory, but I love it, so very beautiful.

The ebook is available now from Amazon and Wizards Tower

Nun & Dragon Release

I am delighted to announce that the long anticipated first volume in the ‘Bushy Tales’ anthology series ‘Tales of the Nun and Dragon’ will be available as an ebook via Amazon from Monday 10th September and Wizards Tower Press within a few days.


‘Tales of the Nun & Dragon’ features twenty three stories by a mixture of well-known and new authors who offer up a delightful blend of genres. There are zombie dragons, latex nuns, trips through time, nunsploitation and some unusual fantasy tales and fables. The book also features internal illustrations by artist Kieran Walsh.

The full line up of writers is available now at www.foxspirit.co.uk

There will be a very limited edition print run available later this year, prior to all the Fox Spirit books being made available as print on demand from Lulu.

An early review is available at ‘Tony’s Thoughts’ http://iuchiatesoro.wordpress.com/2012/09/04/tales-of-the-nun-and-dragon-edited-by-adele-wearing/

And Harry Markov has taken a sneak peek at some of the art work over at ‘Through A Forest of Ideas’ http://throughaforestofideas.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/art-tales-of-nun-and-dragon.html


To celebrate the launch of ‘Tales of the Nun & Dragon’ and in honour of International Talk Like a Pirate Day we are running a small contest.

Between now and the 19th September 2012 we will be taking open submissions of flash fiction (up to 1000 words) on any interpretation of the subject of pirates and piracy. The three best stories will be posted on the Fox Spirit website and their authors will receive a hard copy of Tales of the Nun & Dragon once it becomes available. They will also be invited to submit for a place in one of the two Bushy Tales anthologies planned for early 2013, ‘Tales of the Fox and Fae’ and ‘Tales of the Mouse and Minotaur’.

Competition entries must be sent as a pdf or word doc, to adele@foxspirit.co.uk and titled ‘Pirate Flash’. Any entries over the 1,000 word limit will not be considered.

The ‘Bushy Tales’ anthologies are invitation only and produced on a profit share basis.

For more information on ‘Tales of the Nun and Dragon’ or any of our other published and upcoming titles please explore our site.

Update on WEIRD NOIR

Swoon at our fabulous cover art by the remarkable S. L. Johnson

Submissions for the anthology come to me steadily: sometimes slipped under darkened doors, wiggling up through drains and occasionally, I find them lying on the cheap hotel room dresser after someone slipped me a mickey and left me stranded. In the past week I’ve been staggering from one continent to another, suffering from a throat infection and blood poisoning (yeah, it’s all weird all the time for me; I don’t just edit the stories, I live the life). I’m currently holed up in bucolic upstate New York and getting ready to dive into the submissions pool. I can only guess what dark shudders await me.

Here’s the skinny: in the next two weeks, I’ll make my decisions on what makes the cut. Then there’ll be some tinkering with the tales. When I’ve slapped it all together, I’ll send it to the Fox Spirits who will work their magic on it, producing a shiny book while I’m out hectoring ne’er-do-well bigwigs for shiny blurbs.

In time for the Halloween season and for Noir Con (www.noircon.info) in Philly, the book will hit the virtual streets, casting its irresistible weird spell before you all. You won’t even see it coming when it hits you. But you’ll like it, all right. No doubt about that.

I can feel it in my tentacles.

K. A. Laity

Press Release: Crossroads by Pandemonium Fiction

Press release below from the lovely people of Pandemonium Fiction:

Welcome to the Crossroads

The new Pandemonium chapbook is out now –
only 80p for four devilishly good new stories!

Deals happen at the crossroads. And in our latest chapbook, the Devil’s never been busier.

Christian Fox adds his haunting touch to the familiar town of Hamelin in “Prignitz was an Innocent”. Jenni Hill’s “Georgia” introduces Lili, a demonness looking for the deal of a lifetime. Rob Sharp’s “(0,0)” looks to solve the unsolvable problem. And Ian Whates – twice-a finalist for the BSFA’s best short story prize – gives us “The Golds”, a tale of hope and surprise.

Four wild new stories from original voices. Out now for the Kindle. Introduced by Anne C. Perry with a stunning cover by Vincent Sammy.

If that’s not enough, find more in Lost Souls (US / UK) – our new anthology of forgotten fiction, featuring stories from Robert Chambers, Mary Coleridge, Benjamin Disraeli, Arthur Conan Doyle, Mary Wilkins Freeman and many, many more (including a brand new tale from Apocalypse’s David Bryher).

Nun & Dragon is nearly here.

We are still aiming for a 31st August release however because everything has to be perfect we may not be live with the ebook until Monday 3rd September 2012.  It’s looking good though and just to whet your appetite here is another of the illustrations, there are five internal illustrations in total by Keiran Walsh and they will all be in black and white in the book.

and the final line up of authors is:

Sarah Cawkwell, Mhairi Simpson, Adrian Tchaikovsky, Jasper Bark, Mark E West, Joan De La Haye, Simon Bestwick, Colin F Barnes, Andrew Reid, Ren Warom, Pat Kelleher, Cat Connor, Peter Ray Allison, S.J.Caunt, Wayne Simmons, Geraldine Clark Hellery, V.C.Linde, Catherine Rogers, Jay Faulkner, Sammy HK Smith, Francesca Terminiello, K.A.Laity, Karen Davies.

Some of them you already know well, some of them I expect you will be hearing a lot more from soon.  I can’t wait to unleash it on the world.

There will be a limited edition print run to follow.


Nun & Dragon Updates

A couple of updates on the Tales of the Nun & Dragon

First of all Karen Davies whose story The Last Hunt will be appearing in the book was interviewed over on ‘Tony’s Thoughts‘ about her novel The Red Knight and other stuff.

Also, because at FS we are just too good to you, we had a little teaser done for the anthology, in song form. Sarah Cawkwell’s submission ‘The Ballad of Gilrain’ includes parts of a ballad, which is now complete and has been recorded by the talented Adam Broadhurst (Under a Banner).

You can listen to the track right here or on our ‘Bushy Tales’ page where it will remain.

For more information on Under a Banner

You can hear their music and download some songs for free at http://soundcloud.com/under-a-banner
Their website is www.underabanner.co.uk and shows their gig dates and other useful information.
They can also be found on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Under-A-Banner/258977934137184?ref=hl  and on Twitter @underabanner
And because I am so good to you, here are the lyrics:

Oh come ye now from far and near to hear this tale I tell
A song of courage, dragons, knights and… other things as well
A story of a hero, of a warrior made for greatness
(And even better would he be were he not prone to lateness).

Gilrain, our hero, was a bright young hero to the core
He’d killed such things as unicorns (and saw a minotaur).
But like the best of warriors, our hero had a dream…
A dragon he would slay to be his bestiary’s cream.

So with his faithful friend our hero trod the forest’s floor
In search of dragons he could kill and how the rain did pour!
It positively threw it down and everything was soaking
And Gilrain’s patience wore quite fine… it did! D’you think I’m joking?

Therin and Gilrain did take up shelter in the trees
When suddenly they heard a roar that brought them to their knees
An angry dragon flew near by, and wanted them for dinner
Therin, he began to pray… although he was no sinner.

But Gilrain… well, he knew no fear and soon he was a-fightin’
The dragon roared and fought and scratched and even tried a-bitin’
Our hero though… he stood his ground and just when things got hairy
He stuck his sword right through it’s eye – the sight it was quite scary!

The dragon slain, our hero stooped to fetch once more his sword
Imagine then his horror when the gods of thunder roared!
A bolt of lightning struck the weapon he had used to fight
And Gilrain’s monster dragon rose again! A horrid sight!

Can you imagine such a thing? A slaughtered dragon rising?
Gilrain and Therin stood there for it was quite mesmerising.
Then coming to their senses did the best they’d done all day…
Our heroes turned their backs and from the dragon… ran away.

They made it to the ‘Nun and Dragon’ tavern where they rested
And told their story to the people there whilst they were guest…ed.
The hero managed to procure a dragon’s tooth for gold,
And so they hired me to write this ballad (which I’ve told).

So come ye now from far and near to hear this tale I tell
A song of courage, dragons, knights and… other things as well.
A ballad for our young Gilrain and Therin – aye, him too…
A hero for our times in all the things that he will do.


Press Release from Anachron Books: The Red Knight

We at Anachron Press are pleased to announce our first novel publication, The Red Knight, by KT Davies (The author of ‘The Deal’ from our Day of Demons anthology).

The Red Knight is the first book in an epic fantasy series, and we’re absolutely delighted to publish this wonderful story. It will be available in a staggered launch with the eBooks (Kindle, Smashwords, B&N, Kobo, iBooks etc) coming 27th July and a trade paperback coming a few weeks later. Price TBC.



A thousand years have passed since the Clan Lords and the Fey commanded dragons and raised mighty citadels. The remnants of their ancient power lie dormant and a new conflict threatens the kingdom of Antia…

King Daris rules a peaceful and prosperous land, but his conniving brother Jerim covets the throne and civil war looms.

But there are worse threats to Antia than mere human greed.

Two people will stand against mortal and demonic enemies: Alyda Stenna, Captain of the Hammer of Antia returns from campaign to a hero’s welcome after prosecuting war abroad with brutal efficiency.

Garian Tain, the spymaster’s apprentice, hunts for an assassin through the streets of the capital while the knights bask in the adoration of the crowds.

This is just the beginning.

Both will fight overwhelming odds in a bid to save the kingdom. War and betrayal will test them to their limits. One will rise; one will fall; both will be changed forever.

Stay tuned for more details soon.

Available Now at Amazon.everywhere

I am pleased to announce that ‘Requiem in E Sharp’ by Joan De La Haye went on sale as an ebook on most amazon sites earlier today, slightly before it’s official release date on Monday. It is not yet available elsewhere and there is some delay in it becoming available in South Africa, however I hope to be able to announce wider availability and other eformats in place on Monday as planned.

In the mean time reviewers please contact me on adele @ foxspirit .co.uk if you are interested in a review copy of the ebook.

For more information on the book you can find the synopsis and an extract in our ‘Novels’ section and for more information on Joan please visit our authors pages.